
Dr. Arif Alvi

Globalization and Information Technology continue to process at a dramatic pace. To answer the demand of a changing society, Pakistan’s higher education system needs to shift its focus from individuals who simply absorb knowledge to those who are able to creatively utilize knowledge to excel in unfamiliar situations. These creative individuals should be able to track situation from new perspective, break into new field excel in crisis management, and be rich in ingenuity.

The role of a university is to diligently perform the duty of imparting high quality education while at the same time maintaining strong links with society. Stress in the high quality education is of the essence because the battle of life cannot be won with the cheap degrees which are like wooden armour. Private university should therefore devote themselves to nurturing creative individuals and must continue in this tradition, raising leader who are able to carry Pakistan into the future. I am confident that the Sarhad University has geared programme towards this end.

There are no shortcuts to success. We have to develop high standards on ethical, social, economic and scientific front. Such developments do not take place spontaneously; these demand hardwork, discipline, dedication and commitment. I hope that the Sarhad University is taking all measures to inculcate these values in the students.

I wish Sarhad Univeristy a great success.

Dr. Arif Alvi,

President of Pakistan

Mr. Shah Farman

Ever since the current century dawned, was the nation has been witnessing a steady growth in Higher Education. It brought a pleasant change on ever count. Whether it is viewed from social aspect of life or evaluated from economic point of views, this sector has been ushering quite an encouraging progress and return both to the country and the society on long term basis. Being a multi-prong approach, one may view the outcomes from the changing scenario in the quality of the life of the people in the country as well.

Since, it requires constant efforts; sustenance in resource mobilization; generating new avenues for economic growth; capacity and capability building to develop partnerships internationally and a well-judged approach bases on scientifically gathered data for ensuring result orienting expansion, therefore, an efficient monitoring and guiding mechanism at every proves helpful for decision makers. Al-hamdo Lillah in this particular discipline we, as a nation are heading forward with a visible progress. The culture of research and orientation to new horizons is indeed taking place at the campuses; pleasant state of partnership is there amongst the public and private sectors and the ratio of graduating lots in various disciplines is the increasing trend with every passing academic session.

With these realities in the back drop, one may find it is a right time to focus upon the very ingredients required to ensure quality on every count and direction. Amongst various avenues in waiting for new corners, the indigenous resources mobilization brings better outcomes for every society. While our graduating individuals and the institutions are found struggling hard to be competitive internationally on the one hand, need to focus upon ensuring a balanced approach to developing a matching scenario within the country is also there. While writing these lines for the prospectus 2017-18 of the university, I expect an improved headway and wish the new comers a better future. Good luck to everyone.

Mr. Shah Farman,

Governor KP

Mehmood Khan

The Role of education as a major change factor hardly needs any exaggeration.

Among the distinguishing characteristics of developing economies, education is a measuring tool in determining the status of a nation. The availability of efficient educational and training institutions with professionally skilled manpower can turn fortunes for any country.

Therefore, education has always been our priority sector and the present Government has been making all out efforts to provide maximum opportunities to students desirous of education. It is encouraging to note that enrollment in educational institutions and public inclination towards higher education is increasing which proves that governmental efforts for promotion of education are fructifying.

It will not be out of place to mention public sector universities, along with private sector universities, have been playing an important role in meeting the diverse and increasing educational demands of students in the province. In this regard, the contribution of Sarhad University of Science & Technology, Peshawar , is commendable and deserves to be placed on record.

It is hoped that Sarhad University will continue playing its significant role in the advancement of knowledge and growth of the provincial economy by providing learning opportunities at the doorstep of those interested in pursuing higher education.

Mehmood Khan,

Chief Minister KPK

Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed

Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed,

 Chairman HEC

Muhammad Riaz Karim

It is a matter of great pleasure to see that in a short span of time, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology has succeeded in achieving that very objective for which it was established in the year 2001 and that is no doubt bridging the gap between the knowledge gained through academic learning, and the dynamic skills required in industry, business, government organizations, and other areas of society. Since its inception, the University has passed through numerous ups and downs, but with the grace of Almighty ALLAH, and untiring efforts of the management and faculty, we not only successfully overcame the obstacles and hurdles in our way, but also kept the University on the path of progress and development.Today our graduates are effectively serving various Multi National Companies and Organizations at Provincial and National levels in different capacities, whereas many joined foreign universities for higher studies. The University is striving to provide relevant and purposeful education to its existing students preparing them to confront challenges in this competitive world.

Sarhad University is not just addressing the issues of professional environment such as purpose-built campus, air-conditioned classrooms, and well equipped laboratories but, more importantly, it is concentrating on the most critical issues like faculty development, curricula tailored to latest innovations and present-day demands, quality enhancement, effective teaching and evaluation and character building.

In the years to come, I foresee Sarhad University in the top ranking universities of Pakistan and wish a glaring future to it.

Muhammad Riaz Karim,

President SUIT

Dr. Salim ur Rehman

In the cauldron of our national history, many a things are going pear-shaped as our tenacious enemy has created a morose weather in the country. We have been engaged in a labyrinth of clamours and confusions as if it has become a mundane fact for us. We ought not to live like this. There has to be a better day, a happier tomorrow and a hailing future full of prosperity and understanding. But this socalled utopian desire of a better world was everyman's dream earlier also. Why then it never came true? What shattered this vision which was not so much difficult to have had in concrete form? Being an academician and a citizen, if I am to blame even an iota myself for it; my answer is 'Misunderstanding of the Purpose of Education.

The supposed purpose of education, as marketed by the academia, is career advancement, higher pay, and empowering a college graduate's job search. This presents the current personal importance of education as the bureaucratic machines are still humming. More degrees, less dignity, more trading and less teaching has blurred the very purpose of education. We could not even utilize machines or understand the advent of technology. Computers are pack saddled to existing educational models in an inefficient pretence.

In many institutes most technologies are used like hitching horses to a sports car. The horse drawn car does not compare favourably with traditional horse and buggy. It doesn't matter if the modern conveyance is an ignorant or intentional misapplication; it will be better to properly enjoy car and horse separately. In any age, college degrees as requirements are replaceable but independent thinkers and visionary leaders are not. Cultivating a love for learning should become imperative for success instead of a desire to earn more and more for the kitchen. Let's stop whining and complaining about others, nothing is easier than fault finding.

All it does is to discolour our personalities, so that none will want to associate with us. Let education put us in the proper sense, as extremism and terrorism do not emanate from our soil. We are the custodian of the legacy of peace as enunciated by our religion and culture. Lets become a son of the soil or a daughter of the East. Let's be imbued with a common purpose of prodigy and peace. Say Adieu! to pessimism;

Let's plough for peace and knowledge.
'A sign of live nation this is the 'Age'
From morning to evening changes their fortune's page.
From this Ego gets his grandeur a glaze
As this is the book, the rest a new phrase.

Dr. Salim ur Rehman,

Professor & Vice Chancellor