SUIT-NTC jointly launched BSc Architectural Engineering Technology Curriculum

The Curriculum launching Ceremony of BSc Engineering Technology in Architecture Program was held at Sarhad University, Peshawar today.

The Chairman, National Technology Council, Islamabad, Engr. Syed Imtiaz Hussain Gillani and the Vice Chancellor, Sarhad University, Peshawar, Prof. Dr. Salim-ur-Rehman, jointly presided over the ceremony.

Among other academicians from different Universities, the function was also attended by the Former Director, DoST, Dr. Khalid Khan, Engr. Sardar Ali, Vice Chancellor, Registrars, Senior Faculty Members and students of different Universities.

While talking on the occasion, the Chairman, NTC, highlighted the salient features of the recently launched Curriculum and threw light on the role of NTC, Islamabad for the promotion of Technology Education in Pakistan.

The Vice Chancellor, SUIT, Dr. Salim-ur-Rehman and Dr. Khalid Khan, also spoke on the occasion and appreciated the efforts of NTC for the promotion of Technology Education in the Country, as well as launching new programs in the field.

Later on, the Chief Guest distributed copies of the newly launched curriculum among the representatives of different Universities.

The Vice chancellor presented University Souvenirs to the Chief Guest and the Guests of Honour.